STONE AGE is now available on Amazon

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The solar apocalypse novel, STONE AGE has arrived at Amazon Select, only on Kindle and in paperback.  This is an exclusive run for the eBook.  STONE AGE has also been released in paperback.  If you use a Nook, you’re going to have to wait until after July, when wider release is expected.

For more information about STONE AGE, Book1 in the STONE AGE Series, check out these areas:

On StoneAgeSeries.com
On (Kindle)
On CreateSpace (Paperback)
On GoodReads

Some of the following reviews for STONE AGE left below may contain SPOILERS.
If you have not read STONE AGE, please beware.

One thought on “STONE AGE is now available on Amazon

  1. Ed Shelton

    I just left a review on Amazon.
    Stone Age by M.L. Banner ****
    I would have given it 5 stars except for the fact that there is no closure at all in this short 213 page novel. In spite of saying that I thoroughly enjoyed the author’s writing and the many plots of the book. I have read over a hundred apocalyptic books and this ranks in the top ten with what the author has written so far. Time will tell whether he can bring it home down the stretch with equal quality. He covers so many people from space to the lake house to Carrington to Sicada and it was all wonderfully well done. I like the main character Max who befriends Bill, Lisa, Sally and few others while being mixed up with the drug cartel bosses.

    *** SPOILER ALERT ***
    A misstep by the author in my mind is with the following scene. Stacy Jenkins was anxious about flying alone and had received a text from Dar saying her and Danny were running late but it seems that they arrived just in time. “Stacy Jenkins, is that you?” An out of breath but familiar voice emerged from the crowds in front of her, dragging a little boy behind.” A big grin broke out on Stacy’s lips, “Thank God.” It is clearly implied that Darla and Danny made it to the flight. Then over Texas the plane’s engines stop and Stacy is assured by her friend with squeezing hands with Stacy and the little boy next to her. I know that Darla and Danny missed the flight by an hour, which is revealed later in the book but the author weakly made the readers believe that Darla and Danny went down on the flight over Texas.

    The major issue with this book is that the author has so many balls in the air that it could take him another year or more to at last bring a conclusion to all the wonderful characters he has introduced us to. I certainly pray that he can do that in his next book. If he does not find closure for all the present characters from the space shuttle to the Parkingtons and for the main characters in the second Volume I will refuse to read another word, another chapter and definitely no Volume III. Thank you so much for writing Volume I, it has so much potential for a great conclusion.


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