What Are Readers Saying?

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The response to STONE AGE has been overwhelming, and there are a lot of opinions out there:  I loved it!, I hated it!  It’s so believable!  It’s unbelievable!  Here is your chance.  Tell others your feelings about STONE AGE.  Tell others about what you liked or didn’t like; what you would do if you were one of the characters; why the science was believable or not believable.

NOTE: Please offer *Spoiler Alert* if you are revealing something about the book.  We want those that haven’t read the book to get the chance first.


6 thoughts on “What Are Readers Saying?

  1. Mielicita

    Premise of the story is good, the writing is actually quite good BUT, and this a big but for me, the author’s use of incorrect Spanish vocabulary is inexcusable…..Heffe? Hefe? Please. The word for chief or head is “Jefe”; COMPERMISO? Well. Not quite Portuguese. In Spanish “excuse me” and variations is “con permiso”. There were so many errors it took away the pleasure of reading. I would hope the author will check and recheck his use of Spanish language words in future.

    1. MLBanner Post author

      Thank you for your comments. Did you know, comments like yours that have helped make the story better? That’s because, I’m happy to announce that STONE AGE as undergone a complete reedit, by a very respected editor – Unfortunately I did not do a good job with the last one. I have also had the book reviewed by several Rocky Point Mexico locals, who have provided corrections to the existing Spanish errors. Finally, I have added a bonus to the back of the book: the first three chapters from Book #2 (STONE AGE – New Realities).

      You can now download the new updated version from Amazon for NO CHARGE, if you already purchased the book! If you are not sure how to do this, I will post instructions this weekend on mlbanner.com.

      Cheers & thanks again!

  2. Tom Torresson

    Good read. I finished it in 2 nights. Without giving anything away it ended abruptly for me. I missed any reference to this being the first in a series. I have read a number of books from this genre. I find CMEs to be frightening. Periodically you hear about events on the news. Gotta wonder what happens when a major one comes.

    Thanks for freaking me out…lol

  3. Ariel

    I just wanted you to know that I have just finished reading and loved the story and writing style and the characters, gutted I have to wait to find out what happens next *grin* xxx

  4. Geoffrey

    I must confess to having a bit of a mixed reaction.
    The definite impression is given that the CME event are now
    permanent. That would imply that the sun has suddenly become unstable, which scientifically is highly disputable.

    The story is a bit too grim for me, if there’s essentially no hope for progress beyond a permanent stone age

  5. MLBanner Post author

    Geoffrey – Thanks for your comment and my apologies for the late reply. CME’s occur daily right now, but our magnetosphere protects us from most of the danger. In Stone Age, something happens to weaken the magnetosphere. Although there are some actual scientific postulates that this very thing might be happening, it is not explained that much in the series; at least not yet. You’re correct about one thing though, it is a very grim prospect, and one leading to… DESOLATION. Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. I will tell you, although things look pretty grim for our characters, there is hope on the horizon.


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