Hell’s Requiem is now available

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Hell's Requiem - 3DHELL’S REQUIEM, is Book #3 in the Stone Age Series is now available, even though it was published after CICADA.

The story takes place before CICADA, and after STONE AGE, follows survivalist, Tom Rogers.

His son died, and his wife left him.
Then the world ended.
It was about to get much worse.

Here are what readers are saying:

“The ending of the story blew me away! I did not see that coming!” Book Nut
“A compelling story.” OverTheFence
“I highly recommend this book.” Dan A
“Usually I figure plots out pretty quick but you really surprised me.” Linda T
“Don’t miss this one!” Mike K

If you love apocalyptic thrillers with a little rock and roll mixed in, you’re going to love this one.

Available Exclusively on Amazon and Audible


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